
positive regulation of type I interferon production

Related GO terms (1)

Accession number Name Occurrences in all snw genes Occurrences in all int/reg genes
GO:0032481positive regulation of type I interferon production548

Term information on AmiGO 2: GO:0032481

Genes (5)

Gene Symbol Entrez Gene ID Frequency wolf-screen-ratio-mammosphere-adherent gene score Best subnetwork score Degree Transcription factor wolf adherent-list Hits GI wolf mammosphere no adherent-list Hits GI
POLR2F 5435 140.8910.9565-Yes-
DDX41 51428 30.6230.83619TFYes-
POLR2H 5437 30.7750.86214-Yes-
TREX1 11277 1-0.0510.88291TFYes-
XRCC6 2547 10.0310.86263TF--

Subnetworks (19)

Subnetwork ID wolf-screen-ratio-mammosphere-adherent score Size Highlighted genes Hypergeometric test Corrected p-value Enrichment ratio Occurrences in subnetwork
reg-snw-9401 0.823 5 3 2.43e-02 1.00e+00 5.347 1
reg-snw-9618 0.828 9 8 8.33e-04 1.00e+00 5.499 2
reg-snw-3159 0.866 9 9 4.34e-02 1.00e+00 4.499 1
reg-snw-79009 0.874 9 8 4.34e-02 1.00e+00 4.499 1
reg-snw-4522 0.815 14 12 6.67e-02 1.00e+00 3.861 1
reg-snw-7407 0.938 8 8 3.87e-02 1.00e+00 4.668 1
reg-snw-6462 0.841 12 9 5.74e-02 1.00e+00 4.083 1
reg-snw-3978 0.805 6 4 2.91e-02 1.00e+00 5.083 1
reg-snw-2547 0.862 5 4 2.34e-04 1.00e+00 6.347 2
reg-snw-22929 0.803 14 12 6.67e-02 1.00e+00 3.861 1
reg-snw-84290 0.817 15 13 7.13e-02 1.00e+00 3.762 1
reg-snw-2023 0.836 6 4 2.91e-02 1.00e+00 5.083 1
reg-snw-10856 0.956 9 8 4.34e-02 1.00e+00 4.499 1
reg-snw-353 0.826 12 10 1.51e-03 1.00e+00 5.083 2
reg-snw-28514 0.858 12 10 5.74e-02 1.00e+00 4.083 1
reg-snw-11277 0.882 10 9 4.81e-02 1.00e+00 4.347 1
reg-snw-158 0.934 9 8 4.34e-02 1.00e+00 4.499 1
reg-snw-6723 0.840 13 11 6.21e-02 1.00e+00 3.968 1
reg-snw-4869 0.828 13 12 6.21e-02 1.00e+00 3.968 1