
negative regulation of intracellular estrogen receptor signaling pathway

Related GO terms (1)

Accession number Name Occurrences in all snw genes Occurrences in all int/reg genes
GO:0033147negative regulation of intracellular estrogen receptor signaling pathway210

Term information on AmiGO 2: GO:0033147

Genes (2)

Gene Symbol Entrez Gene ID Frequency chia-screen-data-Fav gene score Best subnetwork score Degree Chia-Hits Primary Chia-Hits Secondary
PHB2 11331 5-2.2362.994140Yes-
CNOT1 23019 1-2.3472.96890Yes-

Subnetworks (6)

Subnetwork ID chia-screen-data-Fav score Size Highlighted genes Hypergeometric test Corrected p-value Enrichment ratio Occurrences in subnetwork
int-snw-2146 2.904 8 6 5.53e-03 1.00e+00 7.494 1
int-snw-892 2.968 17 15 1.17e-02 1.00e+00 6.407 1
int-snw-122622 2.870 16 12 1.10e-02 1.00e+00 6.494 1
int-snw-121536 2.821 14 10 9.67e-03 1.00e+00 6.687 1
int-snw-55161 2.994 10 8 6.91e-03 1.00e+00 7.172 1
int-snw-6334 2.813 16 14 1.10e-02 1.00e+00 6.494 1