Genes (1)

Gene Symbol Entrez Gene ID Frequency wolf-screen-ratio-mammosphere-adherent gene score Best subnetwork score Degree wolf adherent-list Hits GI wolf mammosphere no adherent-list Hits GI
ACSL4 2182 10.4110.93541Yes-

Gene info in the NCBI database: ACSL4

Subnetworks (1)

Subnetwork ID wolf-screen-ratio-mammosphere-adherent score Size Highlighted genes
int-snw-2182 0.935 6 4

Related GO terms (28)

Accession number Name Occurrences in all snw genes Occurrences in all int/reg genes
GO:0008610lipid biosynthetic process19
GO:0006629lipid metabolic process590
GO:0044281small molecule metabolic process581211
GO:0035338long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthetic process313
GO:0007584response to nutrient471
GO:0060996dendritic spine development16
GO:0032307negative regulation of prostaglandin secretion11
GO:0016021integral component of membrane271982
GO:0031957very long-chain fatty acid-CoA ligase activity17
GO:0005811lipid particle247
GO:0044233ER-mitochondrion membrane contact site15
GO:0030307positive regulation of cell growth369
GO:0001676long-chain fatty acid metabolic process114
GO:0005789endoplasmic reticulum membrane16570
GO:0060136embryonic process involved in female pregnancy17
GO:0005524ATP binding601298
GO:0005741mitochondrial outer membrane7105
GO:0019432triglyceride biosynthetic process330
GO:0070672response to interleukin-1513
GO:0070062extracellular vesicular exosome1042400
GO:0004467long-chain fatty acid-CoA ligase activity19
GO:0047676arachidonate-CoA ligase activity11
GO:0044255cellular lipid metabolic process6133
GO:0005778peroxisomal membrane147
GO:0015908fatty acid transport18
GO:0043025neuronal cell body9245