The HTS-Net system (High-Throughput screening - Network analysis) performs a network-based analysis for deciphering data generated from siRNA screening or any genomics-based screening at a system level. Based on an interactome map and a regulation data (regulome), it allows for extracting network areas (subnetworks) that have a consistent high sore in the screening.

Major features
  • HTS-Net interrogates interactome databases (Protein-Protein Interactions) and so-called regulome databases (Regulation: Transcription Factors to Targets genes).
  • The following PPI databases are interrogated: DIP, HPRD, I2D, Intact, Mint, Proteinpedia, Mysickova et al, Ravasi et al, Yu et al.
  • The following regulation databases are interrogated: ITFP, TRED, Pazaar, Oreganno.
  • HTS-Net has been presented in the following work:
    • ECCB 2014: Claire Rioualen, Quentin Da Costa, Guillaume Pinna, Annick Harel-Bellan, Emmanuelle Charafe-Jauffret, Christophe Ginestier, Ghislain Bidaut. Interactome-regulome integrative approach for genome-wide screening data analysis in a breast cancer stem cells study (See F1000 Poster)
    • 7th Santorini Conference - Biology Prospective 2014, 25 - 27 Sep 2014: Claire Rioualen, Rita El Helou, Quentin Da Costa, Emmanuelle Charafe-Jauffret, Christophe Ginestier, Ghislain Bidaut. Interactome-regulome-transcriptome integrative approach: a mean to disclose cancer stem cells regulatory circuits.(See F1000 Poster)
    • Cancer Research Center of Marseille's (CRCM) Annual Retreat 2014, 3 - 4 Nov 2014 Claire Rioualen, Quentin Da Costa, Rita El Helou, Emmanuelle Charafe-Jauffret, Fabienne Guillaumond-Marchai, Eric Mas, Isabelle Crenon, Guillaume Pinna, Annick Harel-Bellan, Sophie Vasseur, Christophe Ginestier, Ghislain Bidaut. Using a network approach to unravel biological pathways involved in cancer (See F1000 Poster)
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